
I love dessert.

Most of the recipes that I experiment with in my kitchen are sweet treats and dessert recipes. Since I have an intolerance for dairy, gluten, and fructose, I always go for refined sugar free, dairy free, and gluten free. Just because my normal diet or way of eating is different doesn’t mean I don’t have a sweet tooth or Crappy Cravings. The key is to find health ways of satisfying theme

It’s fall and adding root vegetables to your diet are great ways to curb your sweet cravings. One of my favorite root vegetables is carrots and one of my favorite desserts is carrot cake. In my last post, I wrote about one of the benefits of eating carrots: getting tan (don’t believe me? I dare you to click and find out.)

This healthy carrot cake recipe is one I adapted from two awesome different sources: 1) Olivia…

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